siapakah guru?

mereka yang mampu merubah fikiran orang lain tanpa perlu paksaan.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

am i pure terengganu???

got this test from kak long....

1. What Terengganu food trail-blazed recycling?
a) Belebat Ubi
b) Saggong
c) Bepang
d) Lopat Tikang

2. Properly done BRONOK should have a tinge of
a) green
b) purple
c) blue
d) beige

3. Rojok Kateh is made of
a) tendons
b) bone marrow
c) tongues
d) lungs

4. If you use BUDU as gravy
a)Your mother in law will have triplets
b)You will not catch fish for a week
c) It will rain on your wedding day
d) You will have your honeymoon in the rain

5. You will find this in BATAL BURUK
a) Nissang
b) Labu
c) Labi
d) Kurra

6. SAROK is mainly
a) Daging lembu
b) Daging Kambing
c) Ikang
d) Ayang

7. SATA is packaged in this shape
a) Rectangular
b) Spherical
c) Triangular
d) Hexagonal

8. ASANG GUPA's balls are mainly
a) Pulut
b) Kacang
c) Labu
d) Labi

9. You will find this eaten with LAKSANG
a) Belacang
b) Nissang
c) Taik Minyak
d) Minyok Nyo

10. CEK ABAH DEMANG is eaten with
a) Panadol
b) Salted fish
c) Crackers
d) Gravy

ngeh2...i only score 3 over 10 questions. haish....then, i belong to what republic??? lotsa terms there i did not understand...

so, anyone who r from terengganu, i dare you to answer the test...


alang said...

haha. AKu kat soklan no 2 tu dah pening dah. Bronok tu apa? hehe

qieynah said...

tau xpe..aku pon baru tau bronok tu adalah sjenis kuih yg dibuat dr sagu...ala..yg macam telur katak tu...mlekit2