siapakah guru?

mereka yang mampu merubah fikiran orang lain tanpa perlu paksaan.

Friday, April 17, 2009

i said rubber, u said condom...

a teacher taught his student about  stationaries, so he told the students one by one according to the picture of the stationaries until he came up with the picture of eraser..

so, he asked one of his student...."Ali, what is this?" Ali then answered..."rubber"...

of course the answer was wrong, the teacher corrected it by saying, " sorry kid, ur answer is not exactly correct, this is eraser....the rubber is something like....ummm....condom....yeah...condom!" the teacher was devoted to distinguish between the rubber and eraser without realizing the consequences of what he had done.

Ali's friend then raised his hand, " condom? is that something like flat? if that so, my uncle is living in condom".

the teacher ended up clueless....


alang said...

Adeiii. Ni dah artikel 18xx ni. Letak le amaran atas tu. hehe. Tak pasal2 aku dah terbaca artikel ni.hehe

qieynah said...

cittt.....plu ke? ko kan kna blaja bab2 camni....pnting utk masa dpan ko...

Admin said...

haha. aku nk copy ni ley x

qieynah said...

sila ubai, sila., kredit la sket utk aku...aku kan gila glemer