i lost my fon (dat i use for celcom) in puchong...
that was my first salary used...since feb 28, 2006.
eventhough not the expensive one to be publicly announced..
it is my precious damn thing......i miss him olredi...
owh btw, i dun give any particular name to it, but i set the male gender to my fon coz it is always by my side for al these 2 years.....when i m in joy, sad, angry, sorrow, agony....he always be by my side....
this is the only pic of my fon that i have....ignore the laptop n other things...
how can i disguise my feeling towards him? all this while, he used to be my bestest fren, my connector to my frens, my alarm clock, n my birthday reminder...sailing through the seas, i still cant find the exact entity like him......currently, im surveying some websites coz i m looking for phone, hopefully it will last longer than 2 years...huhuhhu...my first option is sony e...then, armier recommends me docomo...what is that? docomo is the japan product...quite adorable but too much limitation for us in malaysia....huh.....susah jgak nk cari fon ni....any suggestion?
owh, back to my main purpose if writing in this very blog....
survey 1 : wat fon shud i consume?
survey 2 : shud i remain the old no or juz use a new 1?
regarding to the survey 2, my no of 0199245@#$ is olredi in used for almost 6 years...so, most of my ppl noe my no....but the thing is, i cant apply for the replacement simcard due to fucking management probs dat occured ol of sudden out of nowhere....fuck celcom kejap buleh?
the person incharge said " u xleh apply simkad kat sini la dik sbb u pnye sampel kat caw tengganu" i was like...what the fuck???????xkan bnda ni pon kna balik tengganu? then she said..."ala tengganu - alam bukan jauh pon, pegi balik hari pon smpat"...cam syial kan?
hahaahahahaahaahahahahaha. natangggg mu. hahahahhaha. cute molep snyum smbil agkt fuck
itula kelebihan aku....2 eksperesi dalam satu aksi....
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