siapakah guru?

mereka yang mampu merubah fikiran orang lain tanpa perlu paksaan.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

update : two football DIE hard fans died in Stadium Shah Alam

its rather pathetic to know people kill each other simply because of a stupid hasty rubber + leather ball. Err, should I blame on the ball?

even rasists do not kill each other....MALAY s*&^!

Such chaos should not be happening when the sport is promoted to tighten the spirit of humanity and supporting each other....Malays are sick when the throw chairs like flying paper plane to all over the places, kicking pregnant woman and the most nasty thing is step over the men and cause them to death. What a painful death these two pity boys had gone! May all of them rest in peace after such ubearable dying moments.

I blame the authority for this chaotic moment ever, they never learn the lessons before....

Speechless .............lets wait for the updated version in the Star!

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