siapakah guru?

mereka yang mampu merubah fikiran orang lain tanpa perlu paksaan.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

McDonald's and Starbucks have today announced that they will be donating all profits from now until Sunday to Israel war. Also, the producers of Adam Sandler's new movie Bed Time Stories will be donating their profits to Israel . Be informed, and let others know not to contribute and refuse to support these monsters that believe in killing innocent civilians. Boycott McDonald's and Starbucks. Also don't take your kids to see a movie that promotes violence by association. Together we can make a difference! Please pass this email to as many people as you know. Thanks.

this message i got from fren....

~just cant imagine how stupid they r to donate the profits to israeli, i think it is far better if they just throw all the money away...

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