siapakah guru?

mereka yang mampu merubah fikiran orang lain tanpa perlu paksaan.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

i believe mount and valley were created and meant to be together

my brother hafiz excelled his PMR (straight As)
my abah was hospitalized in Kuala Terengganu Speciallist due to heart problem

i believe everything is connected!


Ibrahim Ismail said...

How is that interrelated? What I believe in is "with the hardship, there is relief.." [Quran, 94:6-7] Trust HIM that he will provide comforts.

qieynah said...

I just say it through my experience. I think this is the way we r tested. Well, this is what I believe.

applemintlady said...

ada hikmah d sebaliknya..

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good thing!

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Nice entry !

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